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Evans 12" dB One Drum Head TT

Evans 12" dB One Drum Head TT

48,00 € - 53,90 €
Evans 12" dB One Drum Head TT, Mesh Head for Tom, Size: 12", Reduces volume by 80% while retaining the natural tone of the shell, ShockWeave Mesh in combination with Kinetic Transfer Foam and Impact Patch provides a more natural rebound behaviour, Ideal for practising quietly with an authentic playing feel
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Descrizione del prodotto

Evans 12" dB One Drum Head TT, Mesh Head for Tom, Size: 12", Reduces volume by 80% while retaining the natural tone of the shell, ShockWeave Mesh in combination with Kinetic Transfer Foam and Impact Patch provides a more natural rebound behaviour, Ideal for practising quietly with an authentic playing feel

Specifiche del prodotto

Nome del prodotto
Evans 12" dB One Drum Head TT
Hostname: Version: 1.0.18